In the Fall of 2015, Katelyn was approached by a friend asking if she would be interested in joining a University co-ed recreational volleyball team. On this team was Hayden. The two got along well due to their similar sense of humour. Their relationship remained friendly throughout the volleyball season.
Fast forward to the Winter of 2016 when some members of the team and friends of team members planned a ski trip to Panorama. Katelyn had never been skiing to the mountains, and after taking her first run down a black diamond, she learned her lesson and was more mindful of what runs she went down for the remainder of the trip. On the last ski day, everyone was eager to go down a challenging run. Katelyn was hesitant and did not feel comfortable going that route. Hayden recognized Katelyn's concern and offered to stay back on top of the mountain with her and wait for the friends to go down the tricky route, and wait for the friends to meet them back at the top of the mountain.
While Hayden and Katelyn waited on top of the mountain for their friends, the two began to discuss life and got to know each other well. It was after an hour when the chairlift closed that the two realized that the mountain was beginning to close and that their friends were not able to make it back up. The two decided to venture down the hill taking the easiest runs that they could spot. They eventually found their friends in the parking lot and enjoyed the rest of the trip.
Once back in Saskatoon, Hayden and Katelyn began snap chatting and talking each day. The ski trip has shifted the vibes between Hayden and Katelyn from friendly to flirty. The two would talk everyday over snapchat and text everyday since.